Terms & Conditions

On Call HR Call Terms of Service: By clicking submit, you authorize Pro Session HR and OnCallHR.org to charge your credit card for your subscription as identified in the registration form. Pro Session HR will provide advice and information related to human resource issues and concerns for you as an individual via phone, zoom or email support during weekdays as agreed upon based on calendar availability provided through calendal.com. HR OnCall inquiries received within agreed upon hours will receive a response within two hours. Ultimate resolution for clients may require additional time and/or contact with and information from clients. Subscription rates are reviewed February 1 each year. Fees are $100 per month or $1200 annually, all rates subject to applicable taxes and a 4% administration fee. A single payment will be charged to the provided credit card on the 28th day of the month commencing paid subscription. Annual subscriptions will receive a renewal notice in the month prior to the end of the subscription period. Pro Session HR and OnCallHR.org reserves the right to adjust pricing or cancel service, should individual client usage exceed three times the average client usage for two consecutive months. Should People First HR cancel the subscription service; clients with a prepaid annual subscription will receive a refund for the prorated amount remaining in the annual subscription. Client may terminate the agreement by providing three (3) months written notice